Blue Planet: Taemar Orb

Galactic Gaylords
• Updated on
February 23, 2024

‍Taemar Orb

Taemar Orb is located approximately 269-billion dildo-meters from the Kryptos Star. The planet is shielded from receiving much of the light and heat from the Star and is covered in snow, ice, and mountainous terrain. Depending on the planet’s rotation, certain areas may be more habitable than others with greater water supply.

Plant and alien life have adapted to the freezing temperatures, and plants are often furry and protected from the sharp cold. Snow and hail storms happen frequently, but when a storm is not brewing, the planet is quiet and still.

Taemar Orb Inhabitants

Those who call Taemar Orb their home are usually stellar communicators, making them wonderful friends and great leaders when paired with strong ideologies. Many Galaxy famous poets and philosophers have hailed from the snowy mountains of Taemar Orb, including philosopher Einstein Jingleberry and poet I. Cassidy.

The storytellers and writers of Taemar Orb are often referred to as The Keepers of History and upkeep the largest underground library circuit known throughout the entire Galaxy. 

The gay-galaxy famous philosopher and Taemar Orb native Jingleberry Einstein* theorizes that the core of the planet is attuned to the throat chakra.

*Jingleberry Einstein’s The Theory of the Rainbow (available for rental at the Tamaer Orb libraries)

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Last Updated on
February 23, 2024
Galactic Gaylords
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