Yellow Planet: Alara Cloud

Galactic Gaylords
• Updated on
February 23, 2024

Alara Cloud

Alara Cloud is located approximately 102-billion dildo-meters from the Kryptos Star. The planet is cloaked in a thick gaseous fog which from outer space gives the planet a rich yellow glow. This fog’s viscosity creates a barrier to typical oxygen consumption. New inhabitants usually use gas masks for breathing assistance. Graduating from using gas mask is a considered a great challenge and honor amongst citizens.

Additionally, Alara Cloud is full of absorbent plant and alien life that can convert the atmospheric gas into sustainable nutrients, water, and breathable air. Many plants coated in fur to increase their surface area and increase oxygen production. The plant’s process of gas conversion creates an auric atmosphere of deep and audible inhalation and exhalation.

Alara Cloud Inhabitants

The inhabitants of Alara Cloud are successful and ambitious individuals. With the extra attention necessary to successfully breath on this planet, those with immense determination, focus, and patience are best able to adapt to the gaseous atmosphere. Inhabitants are highly intellectual, confident, energetic, and idealistic. Alara Cloud has been nicknamed “Bee Cloud” because of the yellow atmosphere and the “busy-bee” inhabitants. 

The gay-galaxy famous philosopher Jingleberry Einstein* theorizes that the core of the planet is attuned to the solar plexus chakra.

*Jingleberry Einstein’s The Theory of the Rainbow (available for rental at the Tamaer Orb libraries)

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Last Updated on
February 23, 2024
Galactic Gaylords
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